Caritas international reist vom 23. Nov. bis 1. Dez. 2024 mit einer Caritas-Gruppe zu Projekten in den Norden von Uganda. Zweck ist es, den Blick auf Projekte in diesem zentralafrikanischen Land zu lenken und nach der Reise die wichtige dortige Caritas-Arbeit durch die Reisemitglieder anschließend hier in Deutschland bekannter zu machen. Von der Caritas Pforzheim fährt Frau Gabriele Weber (stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende) mit. Schon während der Reise wird es erste Berichte geben. Interessierte können hier den Reiseblog verfolgen [externer Link].

Caritas International
Merry Amony (18) stopped going to school in 2018. She met the baby's dad in 2021 in Gulu. She didn't plan to get pregnant and when she talks about is, she cries. While she was together with him, he was cheating on her with other girls. When she got pregnant, he told her nog to abort, so she kept the baby. Whenever she was upset about it, he beat her up. After all the fights she attempt suicide. "I was so sad, I really wanted to work and raise money to go back to school before getting a child. My dream is to study and become a soldier to help people. My wish for my son Trevor is that he is able to study and that he will be kind to girls and woman." Text & Foto: Marijn Fidder Copyright Caritas international, Abdruck honorarfrei, Belegexemplar erbeten, Tel: 0761/ 200-288